Sunday 8 May 2016

Make quick money in 3days

Have you ever wondered the ways people use to get money? Sometimes you want to try certain ideas but are afraid .well here are three easy steps to get ypur cash only in three days with no risk

1.Make Quick Cash With E-Bay
Sometimes we find ourselves in a tough situation when we need money. Our wallet may be empty, borrowing from a friend is not an option, and getting a bank loan takes too long. Fortunately, today’s technology made it possible for us to be able to sell a lot of things online and make some quick cash.
The most popular place to sell your stuff quickly and turn some good profit at the same time will be E-Bay, of course. Many of you may be discouraged by this idea thinking that you may only made good money on E-Bay selling electronics, fashion or expensive toys. But this is not quite correct.
It appears that E-Bay is a great market place for those who want to sell old and used stuff and those who want to buy it. Here is the best thing about it - you never suspect that something sitting in your artic for many years may be worth hundreds of dollars.
To make some quick cash on E-bay you will need to do only few things. To begin with, you will need to look through all your stuff and see what you can sell. The best way to go about it: if you don’t use it, you don’t need it. So, sell it! Don't make assumptions that you will not be able to sell certain things because, again, you may be wrong. Being an E-bay seller for over 10 years made me realize that there is always a buyer for everything.
So, look carefully at all your stuff including your cloths, jewelry, shoes, books, old magazines and even tools. Decide what you want to let go. Keep in mind that even used stuff sells good on E-bay. If you have any name brand clothing or shoes, it will sell good even if it’s used.
Now is the time to be creative because you will need to advertise your merchandise. Assuming you have already registered with E-bay, you will need to create a listing for each item. Make sure to create an attractive listing to convince the buyers you’re offering the best deal. List the benefits of the items you are selling, make sure to mention that the items you are selling were well taken care of and are in great shape. Start with the low bidding price and run a 3-day auction to make money quickly. Make sure to ask for immediate payment in your listing to avoid waiting for your payment or not getting paid.
2.Yard Sale
Yard sale is another fast and easy way to turn some cash around. Yard sale can be advertised in as little as one day by putting the "Yard Sale" signs all over your neighborhood. You may find a lot of clothing, shoes, books and household items you are not using to sell at your yard sale. Make sure to sort all of your items accordingly and keep all related items in one pile and, also, make sure to organize everything neatly. Display and visual effects are the keys to a successful sale. Make sure all of your items are folded nicely and have price stickers. You may also sell items like books and magazines in bulk since large quantities at low price will attract the buyers faster.
Always greet all of your visitors with smile, be friendly and ask them how they are doing. This will allow you to break the ice in the first minutes. Then ask them if there is anything specific they are looking for. Don't get discouraged if you don't have what they want. Just offer a substitute and advertise your stuff with confidence. Tell your visitors that you always take care of your staff and only selling it because you need money.
A lot of people use yard sales to sell their crafts and arts. If you are a crafty person and know how to make things quickly, yard sale will be a great place for you to make some quick sales. If your know how to knit, you may make a hat or a scarf just in one day and place it with your yard sale items. Make sure to mention it to every visitor, tell them that you have a very nice item you have just made, it's a very special item and you're selling it cheap.
I know a lot of people who make serious money having a yard sale every two weeks. This insures stable cash flow and a good bi-weekly paycheck for them. They look for an inventory for their yard sale all over their house, they are restoring old things, making something useful like pillows and blankets, or just picking up some stuff at Goodwill and then reselling it. Yard sale is a fun way to involve your kids and socialize with your neighbors as well.
3.Offer Your Services
One more quick and easy way to make fast cash is by offering your services to the people in your community. Basically, you can put all of your skills to work here and use your imagination. Keep in mind that all of us depend on other people's skills and services and this is a great opportunity for you to offer your services to the other people.
The services that are always in demand are babysitting, pet sitting, house cleaning, taking care of elderly, car wash, lawn care and much more. You don't have to have special skills or certification to do any of those and the best thing is that you can offer them to your friends and neighbors.
Babysitting is one of my favorite ways to make quick cash and enjoy it at the same time. It's so easy to get a babysitting job by just asking around or calling your friends who have children. You may also check your local newspaper for the classifieds because the babysitters are always in demand. I always keep the list of my prospects handy in case I need some quick cash and someone needs a reliable babysitter.
For those who don't like babysitting, other options are available. The easiest way to advertise all of your services will be by creating a flyer on your computer. You can quickly print and distribute the flyers all around. The possibilities are really endless here because you can do about anything. Baking a batch of cookies or offering to make a dinner for someone is a great way to earn quick money. Cleaning someone's house or making a small repair for them will also pay well. I can guarantee you that we all process some kind of skills that we can offer to other people in exchange for money.
One more piece of advice. Never doubt yourself and never give up. A lot of people started very successful businesses by offering small services to other people just to get out of tough money situation. Very many of those people are self-made millionaires now and appear on TV shows and the front pages of the magazines.

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