Saturday 7 May 2016

8 Things you shouldn't get mad at your Mom for

We all have those moments of "Mom, what in the world?" However, we shouldn't get mad. Here are a few examples of things that most moms do but shouldn't get hate for.

1. Liking your Facebook pictures from four years ago

You're mom isn't really trying to troll you like your friends. She honestly just thinks you're the cutest little thing, and she honestly can't believe how fast you are becoming an adult.

2. Calling you by every name than the one she gave you

When I was younger, this would baffle me! How in the world could my own mother confuse my name with my brother's name, or worse, my dog's name? However, throughout the last few years of college, I completely understand where she was coming from. Stress does actually affect your ability to remember simple and easy things like a name or place. Your mom doesn't actually forget who you are or what your name is! She waited nine months to see your face and has spent years discovering who you are and watching you grow.

3. Telling your friends embarrassing stories

The main reason you shouldn't get mad about this is because your mom thinks you are absolutely hilarious and wants to share that with your friends. She wants them to get a glimpse of your life before they meet you. So, when she brings up that story of dressing up for character day at school a week early, laugh right along. You're hilarious!

4. Making sure you do your homework

Ever came back from school and wanted a rest lets say watch some tv programs but all in a sudden there come your mom, switching off the tv and instruct you to do your homework?.Well dont hate her for that all she did was just try to create a better you, the one you are proud to be today.Your mom loves you thats all she really care.

5. Cheering the loudest at all of your games

Oh, man. The days of playing optimist basketball at the local YMCA were filled with Mama Freel screams and shrieks. She would hoot and holler every time I got ahold of the ball. The funny thing about that is that optimism means everybody wins. That didn't matter to my mom, though. The heart behind her cheers was more of an excitement of seeing me on the court, playing with other kids than winning.

6. Reminding you to send her your student loan information

This is definitely not something you should get mad at your mom about. In fact, this is something you should be praising her for. Even though you are off at college or living on your own, your mom still cares so deeply about you, she would persistently, intentionally remind you to do the important things that grownups do!

7. Being your mom

You can't get mad at your mom for being your mom. You were each handpicked and destined to be together from the beginning of time. The Lord knew you two were going to have those rough middle school years, but He also knew you would get through them. A mother-daughter relationship is so special and needed in life. Your mom is your number one fan, biggest supporter and has loved you since she knew you were coming.

8. Acting like she is outdated person.

Well this do happen with my mom.She can ask you to do something for her infront of the public, relatives or neighbors. She could ask me to fix her phone charger or adjust volume, she may even sometimes ask me to  recharge her mobile with certain amount of credit.Dont hate her, she is only trying to prove to the society how proud she is to have you in her life and to show the world that you are an intelligent kid.

So, show your mom some grace. After all she raised a pretty cool person: you

I dont hold the full rights of this content.All i did was a few editings and one additional point.

Full credit to

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